Squirrel Proof Wild Bird Seed 3.63kg


Squirrel Proof Wild Bird Seed 3.63kg


The convenient, natural and nutritional way to control squirrels at your feeder

Made with hot peppers to deter squirrels but attract birds

Squirrel Proof Wild Bird Seed is a unique bird seed specially designed to reduce and eliminate squirrels feeding at your feeder. Squirrel Proof Seed is treated with an all-natural hot oil which makes the birdseed unpalatable to squirrels and more nutritious to birds. Squirrel Proof Seed is based on the fact that some foods are attractive to certain animals and unpalatable to others. Squirrels taste hot spices, but birds do not. It does not harm the squirrels in any way and it is extra nutritious for birds.

Ingredients: Corn, mixed grain, white millet, rolled black oilseed, red millet, soybean oil, canary seed, canola seed, oats, liquid chili treat

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