Natures Way® Illuminated Top Fill Hummingbird Feeder


Natures Way® Illuminated Top Fill Hummingbird Feeder

This premium hand blown glass hummingbird feeder includes a solar-powered LED and serves as a feeder during the day and a beautiful decoration at night. Unlike painted glass or plastic, this feeder features colored glass - ensuring that the colors remain bold and vibrant for years to come! The hanging basket includes built-in decorative leaf perches to allow the hummingbirds to perch while feeding, which can increase feeding time and leads to even more hummingbird viewing. A hummingbird's tongue can stretch twice as long as its bill. Sufficient space for the average hummingbirds tongue ensure humminbirds of all sizes can easily feed through the domed lid. Die-cast aluminum flower feeding ports won't rust and all feeder parts are dishwasher safe, making it that much easier to keep the feeder clean and your hummingbirds healthy.

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